Stratokatzter Bengals appreciates our wonderful clients

Stratokatzter Bengals appreciates our wonderful clients and provides a lifetime of support to them throughout the lifespan of their beloved pet. Stratokatzter Mowgli is a beautiful boy born to LA IW SGC Kangchenjunga Diamonds and Rust of Stratokatzter x CH Jewelspride Kyrie Eliason of Stratokatzter in August of 2022. We sincerely look forward to continue to be a part of Allison and Mowgli’s adventures as he develops.

A few words from Allison:

“Our family gained our wonderful kitty Mowgli about a year and a half ago and our life has been rays of sunshine since. I met Esther at one of the cat shows in Northern California and she was so helpful with bengal questions, even though it was near the tail end of the event. Upon speaking to her, she provided knowledge about bengals (which I had never even seen prior to that day) and I was so enamored with hers, I took one home. She even provided info about what litter and food Mowgli had previously accustomed to and it made the transition so seamless.

Our cat Mowgli is full of curiosity and such a fun temperament. A fast and very playful, , but cuddly cat. The day we took him home you could tell he was well socialized, he didn’t take any time looking around every inch of the house. We almost wanted to call him Hoover as a joke because in the first week he basically dusted underneath the whole couch, finding pencils and pennies to play with. We’re so glad to have him in our lives, he’s truly been the best cat. One day if he ever needs a sibling/playmate I would definitely get one from Stratzokatzer.”

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