Category Support & Education

On Preservation Breeding: Because Much Is Expected of Those Trusted With Much

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I get several inquiries every month from people identifying as breeders asking the question, "Do you sell breeding cats?" We welcome breeder inquiries with a "Preservation Breeder" mindset for general inquiries regarding our kittens. Preservation Breeders work to preserve the essence of the Bengal; from the wild look, to the breed standard, preserving the history of the breed without sacrificing the health of the Bengal.

Caring For Our Families

Bengal kitten curled in blanket
So often we are contacted by people who suffer cat allergies in hopes of obtaining hypoallergenic or low allergenic cat for their household. It is estimated that cat allergies are second only to dust mites in causes of common household airborne allergies causing respiratory distress. While bengals seem to fall on the list of low allergenic cats, it is studied and believed they have less of the Fel d 1 protein which is linked to cat allergies in humans.