Lucky Day Kitten Selection Weekend
We have scheduled our “Lucky Day Kitten Selection Weekend” for Saturday and Sunday October 5th-6th, 2024.
We will begin accepting appointments for pet kittens with approved kitten applications for kittens born on 08/08/24 from Rainforest Biz Markie and RW SGC Kangchenjunga Everlong of Stratokatzter “Evie”.
Kitten applications are found under our “AVAILABLE” tab on our website. Once approved, you can choose your appointment date and time, Facetime appointments are available as well. We kindly request you be prepared to place a $500 deposit down on your kitten as well as sign a “Contract for Care” outlining care of your Bengal and terms of agreement.
Kittens from this pairing will be able to go home once they are spayed and neutered. We are currently shooting for a take home date of 10/24/2024.