Stratokatzter Planned Breedings for this Winter-Spring

Stratokatzter Bengals is excited to announce our PLANNED BREEDINGS for Winter-Spring 2024.

We will provide updates as we receive confirmations of positive pregnancies in the upcoming weeks. Please see our Queens and Sires tabs for reference photo. In late Spring 2024, we will announce our Summer-Fall 2024 litters. Please feel free to reach out to us at if you are interested in a kitten from a particular breeding.

  • RW DGC Kangchenjunga Bungle In the Jungle of Stratokatzter x Exotiques Silver Springs of Stratokatzter (May produce silver or brown spotted or marble kittens)
  • RW DGC Kangchenjunga Bungle In the Jungle of Stratokatzter x CH Jewelspride Kyrie Eliason of Stratokatzter (May produce brown spotted or marble kittens with countershading) Pregnancy confirmed! Due 2/20/2024
  • LA IW SGC Kangchenjunga Diamonds and Rust of Stratokatzter x Rainforest Lotus of Stratokatzter (May produce brown spotted kittens, may produce countershading may produce cs carrier)
  • RW DGC Kangchenjunga Bungle In the Jungle of Stratokatzter x Stratokatzter About a Girl  (Same pairing that produced Stratokatzter Wurth a Deuce, a honey colored male with excellent flow, profile and countershading)
  • GC Stratokatzter Highway Star x Karion Wayward Sun of Stratokatzter (Silver x silver breeding, possibe cs, APb/A carrier) Kittens coming! Due 3/20/2024